Facebook Ads For Chiropractors: Complete Step By Step Guide (2020)

How To Use Facebook Ads For A Chiropractic Practice

Loyd Woodward
10 min readOct 5, 2020
Facebook ads for chiropractors
Image Source: Karolina Grabowska @ Pexels.com

This is a complete guide on how to use Facebook ads for chiropractors but before I get into all the nitty gritty stuff…

I would like to answer a few questions that are stopping many chiropractors from utilizing one of the most powerful advertising platforms of all time.

Do Facebook Ads Really Work For Chiropractors?

Any advertising channel is only as powerful as its ability to…

  1. Reach people who are interested in your products or services.
  2. Reach people who can afford your products or services.

Interest won’t mean anything if your target audience cannot afford whatever you are selling.

And in the same way, it does not help to have a fat wallet prospect who is not interested in your products or services.

This is the number one reason why Facebook ads are effective for any business.

Their powerful technology allows you to super target your ads so you can reach your ideal customer.

There are 3 main targeting options available:

a)Core Audiences: Create targeted ads by defining ads based on age, interests, geographical location and many other important metrics in advertising.

b)Custom Audiences: These are great for retargeting people who have engaged with your business online or offline. You can create a custom audience for people who have visited your clinic, your website or engage with your Facebook posts.

c)Lookalike Audiences: You can reach new people who exhibit the same behavior as your best patients or anyone who has visited your website before.

And this is obviously a bird’s eye view of Facebook ads targeting but you can certainly notice how they can help you to reach your ideal customer.

Another advantage is that you are able to do all of this for way cheaper than traditional advertising methods.

average facebook ads costs for chiropractors

The Average Cost Per Click (CPC) on Facebook for healthcare ads is $1.32.

This is the average you will have to pay for every targeted person who clicks on your ad and visit your website.

So the question here should not be whether Facebook ads work for chiropractors or not.

We should really redirect our question to how you can make them work for your business.

Facebook ads are very effective and there is no doubt about their ability to help you get more patients.

Before You Start Running Facebook Ads

Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue. -Andrew Davis

There is no other way to explain it.

It’s funny how we apply the core values of marketing offline and completely forget them once we are online.

The same marketing principles you are currently using offline will still work online.

There is no reason to change your sales process simply because you are advertising on Facebook.

I have seen many chiropractors running 20% discount ads on Facebook when they know for sure that it is difficult to attract patients by just offering discounts for high cost procedures.

Discounts won’t mean anything to people who don’t know and trust you.

As a matter of fact it is much easier to sell to people if they…

  1. Know you.
  2. Like you.
  3. Trust you.
  4. Already want what you’re selling …before you ever even try to sell it.

As a chiropractor your first goal with Facebook ads is to get people coming for your free workshops where you can build trust and rapport before offering your services.

When you are operating in the healthcare industry it is always important to establish yourself as an authority and expert before you can even start selling anything.

People rarely trust strangers with healthcare advise.

The whole discounts game does not work and that is why you won’t find them in my Facebook advertising plan.

Chiropractor Facebook Ads Case Study And Plan

The premise of this whole plan is the fact that people buy from who they trust.

All transactions are based on trust and if we know this to be true, it should obviously make sense for us to optimize our sales process around building trust with our target audience before we even try to sell anything.

This is known as the value ladder concept.

Before you can take your client to where you can provide them the most value and charge them the most, it is important to firstly earn their trust by delivering great value on the smallest things.

value ladder for a chiropractor
image source: DotCom Secrets Book

This is an example of a chiropractor who would like to get their clients to sign up for a wellness program where they charge the most and provide even greater value.

But it is very difficult to get people to pay thousands of dollars for any program before they can trust you and value your advise.

So this chiropractor uses free massages to get people in the door.

After the free massage you can upsell those clients on adjustments and eventually get them to sign up for the high cost wellness program.

Your value ladder can follow any format but the main idea is to firstly earn trust before you can start selling your expensive programs.

People are going to judge you before you attempt to sell anything to them so it is very important for you to control their judgement.

This is a concept called pre-framing in marketing and it is basically controlling the conversation during a sales process.

Frank Kern mentions in his convert book that…

If we know people are going to assign a label to you the second they see your stuff, then logically, it makes sense that we can actually influence in advance what label we want them to assign. In other words, we can help them decide in advance what something means.

So now that we have covered the importance of trust in marketing let us now get down to the actual Facebook ads plan…

Step #1: Pre-Framing And Building A Warm Audience

This is the stage where you establish authority and build rapport through the pre-framing approach of marketing.

You also need to build a warm audience for your Facebook advertising campaigns.

There are 3 types of audiences in marketing:

a) Cold Audiences: These are people who have never heard of your business or engaged with it in any way.

b) Warm Audiences: These are targeted prospects who have heard of your business and engaged with any stage of your sales process.

c) Hot Audiences: These are people who know your business very well and are interested in receiving updates and purchasing current or future products.

The first stage of this plan is to build a warm audience of people who are interested in chiropractic advise so you will need to create video content that is valuable for your ideal customer.

A good example is a video on how to relieve neck pain created by Dr Maria Madge from sportsinjuryclinic.net.

As you can see there is nothing fancy about this video. This is just a simple video of a fellow chiropractor sharing professional advise for relieving neck pain.

There is no need for big budget cameras. Your iPhone can create great videos.

Ideally you will need to create 3 to 5 videos like the one above and start running Facebook ads to promote the videos.

The targeting options will need to be broad so I would encourage you to start with…

  1. People within a reasonable radius from your clinic.
  2. Anyone above 18 years old.

I would not worry much about interests and behavior because your content will separate the wheat from the chaff for you.

This is based on a marketing strategy that Dan Kennedy termed dog whistle copy.

This is where you intentionally use video titles and words that only your ideal customer will be attracted to.

You can mention your website at the end of the video but your main focus should be delivering content based value for your ideal client.

Step #2: Facebook Ads Retargeting

This is where the magic starts because this is where you start to retarget your warm audience with actual offers and invites to a free workshop, massage or anything that you use to get your customers in the door.

Facebook tracks all the people who have engaged with your content for you so here are some retargeting audiences that you can set up:

  1. People who have engaged with your Facebook or Instagram pages.
  2. People who have visited your website.
  3. Current patients.
  4. Separate audiences for people who have viewed 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of your content videos.

P.S. Do not send people directly to your company website. You will need to create a landing page where you give your prospects a free gift in exchange of their name, email address or phone number.

Here is a good example of a chiropractic landing page for Facebook ads…

chiropractic landing page for Facebook ads

Step #3: Email Nurture Sequences

Once you have collected email addresses from your prospects the next thing is to start nurturing your leads and pre-qualifying them before they come for their free session.

Russell Brunson has created an email marketing template called the soap opera sequence that you can use to pre-qualify your leads and encourage them to come for your free session, massage, workshop or anything that you are using to get customers in the door.

An email autoresponder can help you to send daily emails to anyone who request for the free gift and join your email list.

You do not need to sit behind a computer to send emails everyday. This can be done automatically for you.

Step #4:Convert

Once you have attracted people for the free gift the next thing is to upsell them on adjustments or any offer that works best for your business.

Step #5: Scale

You can now start to create Lookalike Audiences of people who have visited your clinic, joined your email list and engaged with your video content.

This is an audience of people who exhibit the same behavior as your ideal prospects so it is a great starting point for scaling.

Best Converting Facebook Ad Examples For Chiropractors

Here are some examples of some of the best converting Facebook ad examples for chiropractors:

1.Injury Sports Center Of The Glades

chiropractic facebook ad case study

This ad example works very well for retargeting warmer audiences (preferably people who have joined your email list). It is simple and contains all the information that a prospect needs to make a decision.

2.Glenbourne Chiro

chiropractic facebook ad example

This is also a great ad for retargeting people who have engaged with your business but not yet on your email list.

You can also use the ad for retargeting people who visited your clinic but have not yet purchased anything from your business.

The options are endless, your imagination is the key.

3.Compass Chiropractic

compass chiropractic facebook ad example

This is obviously a great content based ad for building a warm audience and separating the wheat from the chaff.

Here Is What To Do Next

Creating highly converting Facebook ads is obviously a skill.

There is a lot of factors that contribute to social media marketing success and it can be very overwhelming for many entrepreneurs.

Learning and mastering Facebook ads is not an easy thing but the good thing is that there are people who have already done that and are willing to offer their services.

You can choose to learn these Facebook advertising on your own or you can delegate these tasks to other people.

The team from Voy Media have created a great Facebook Ads Agency to help you start creating great advertising campaigns.

P.S. I am not associated with Voy Media in any way but I guess my point is…

You do not need to worry about running the ads yourself when other people can do it for you.

This is a concept that Dan Sullivan calls finding your who for your how.

Your job as an entrepreneur is to figure out the how and then find the best who to execute your ideas.

And speaking of how.

There is a training to help you learn more about how chiropractors can use Facebook ads and digital marketing to grow their practices.

It is the Brick & Mortar Summit delivered by the wonderful entrepreneurs who use ClickFunnels and it can help discover the best how for your practice.

Thank you for reading.

More Resources:

Disclosure: I am an independent ClickFunnels Affiliate, not an employee. I receive referral payments from ClickFunnels. The opinions expressed here are my own and are not official statements of ClickFunnels or its parent company, Etison LLC.

